Law Reform Submissions



Access to Justice

Submission to the Inquiry into the Nature and Extent of Poverty

Westjustice, 2023.

Submission to the Yoorrook Justice Commission 

Melissa Hardham, CEO, Anoushka Jeronimus, Director of Youth Law Program, and Caitlin Caruana, Director of Policy and Innovation, Westjustice, February 2023

Submission for the Inquiry into Victoria's Justice System

Angus Woodward, Program Manager (Criminal Law and Youth Law Clinics) and Anoushka Jeronimus, Director of Youth Law Program, WEstjustice, September 2021

Submission to the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System

WEstjustice, June 2019.

Submission to the Law Council of Australia's Justice Project

Tarni Perkal, Senior Employment Lawyer, WEstjustice, October 2017. 

Access to Justice Review: A submission to the Department of Justice and Regulation

WEstjustice, February 2016.

Submission to the Productivity Commission Draft Report

Wyndham Legal Service, April 2014.

Submission to the Growth Areas Authority - East Werribee Employment Precinct

Wyndham Legal Service, December 2012.



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Consumer Law

Submission to AFCA Rules and Operational Guidelines – Proposed Amendment

Westjustice and Mortgage Stress Victoria, 2023.

Brief on Local Government Hardship Policy Guidelines

Westjustice and Mortgage Stress Victoria, 2023.

Submission to the Inquiry into the Financial Sector Reform Bill 2022 

Westjustice, October 2022

Open Letter to Incoming Government to Save Sorry Business

Westjustice et al, May 2022

Joint Submission to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman – Independent Review

Australian Communications Consumer Action Network, Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Counselling Australia and Westjustice, May 2022

Submission to Julian Leeser MP’s Private Member’s Telecommunications Bill

WEstjustice, November 2021

Joint Pre-State Budget Submission on Lemon Car Reform

WEstjustice, Consumer Action Law Centre, Hume-Riverina Community Legal Centre, Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, September 2021

Joint Submission to Australian Communications and Media Authority on Consumer Vulnerability

WEstjustice, Consumer Action Law Centre, Hume-Riverina Community Legal Centre, Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, September 2021

Joint Submission to Treasury on Unfair Contract Term Reforms

WEstjustice, Consumer Actional Law Centre, Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, Financial Rights Legal Centre, Residents of Retirement Villages Victoria, September 2021

Submission to 2021 Banking Code of Practice Review

WEstjustice, August 2021

Australian Security and Investments Commisison: A submission to Consultation Paper 341 (Review of the ePayments Code: Further consultation)

WEstjustice, July 2021.

Review of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority - Joint Consumer Submission to The Treasury

WEstjustice et al, April 2021.

Joint Submission: ACMA Compliance Priorities 2021-22 (consultation 02/2021)

Consumer Action Law Centre and WEstjustice, March 2021.

Joint Submission:Deferred sales model for add-on insurance - exemptions by class

Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Rights Legal Centre and WEstjustice, February 2021.

Joint Submission: Licensing debt management firms: Exposure draft regulations

Consumer Action Law Centre, Consumer Credit Legal Service (WA) Inc, Financial Counselling Australia, Financial Counselling Victoria, Financial Rights Legal Centre, Uniting Communities Consumer Credit Law Centre SA and WEstjustice, February 2021.

Submission to the Economics Legislation Committee - National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Supporting Economic Recovery) Bill 2020

WEstjustice, January 2021.

Joint Submission: Addendum to ASIC Consultation Paper 330 – Using the product intervention power: Continuing credit contracts

Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Rights Legal Centre and WEstjustice, November 2020.

Joint Submission to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman: Supplementary Submission to Consultation – Modernising the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman Terms of Reference

Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Counselling Australia, Financial Rights Legal Centre and WEstjustice, October 2020.

Joint Submission to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Consumer Safeguards Review Part C: Choice and Fairness

Consumer Action Law Centre, WEstjustice, Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, Financial Counselling Victoria, Barwon Community Legal Service, Hume Riverina Community Legal Service, and Housing for the Aged Action Group, September 2020.

Joint Submission: Modernising the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman Terms of Reference

Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Counselling Australia, Financial Rights Legal Centre and WEstjustice, September 2020.

Joint Submission: ASIC Consultation – Product intervention: The sale of add-on financial products through caryard intermediaries – Revised Draft Instrument

Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Rights Legal Centre and WEstjustice, August 2020.

ASIC Consultation Paper 330 – Using the product intervention power: Continuing credit contracts

Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Rights Legal Centre and WEstjustice, August 2020.

Joint Submission: Reforms to add-on insurance - Proposal Paper (Appendix B)

Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Rights Legal Centre, CHOICE, Consumer Credit Legal Service WA, Consumer Credit Law Centre SA, Australian Communications Consumer Action Network and WEstjustice, October 2019.

Joint Submission: Extending unfair contract terms laws to insurance contracts - Exposure draft legislation

Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Rights Legal Centre and WEstjustice, August 2019.

Consumer Safeguards Review (Part B) - Reliability Safeguards

Tess Matthews, Lawyer, WEstjustice, January 2019.

Consumer Safeguards Review (Part A) - Consumer Redress and Complaints Handling

WEstjustice and Consumer Action Law Centre, August 2018.

Draft Industry Code: Telecommunications Consumer Protections Code

WEstjustice and Consumer Action Law Centre, August 2018.

Australian Consumer Law Review: Clarification, simplification and modernisation of the consumer guarantee framework

Consumer Action Law Centre, National Association of Community Legal Centres, Federation of Community Legal Centres and WEstjustice, April 2018.

Submission on the operation and effectiveness of the 2014 General Insurance Code of Practice

WEstjustice, April 2017.

Consumer Property Law Review: Sale of Land and Business - A submission in response to the options paper

WEstjustice, April 2017.

Joint Submission to the Australian Consumer Law Review - Unsolicited Sales, December 2016.

Indigenous Consumer Assistance Network, Indigenous Remote Communications Association, WEstjustice, National Welfare Rights Network, Financial Counselling Australia, Redfern Legal Centre, Choice, Financial Rights Legal Centre, Consumers Federation of Australia and Consumer Action Law Centre.

Australian Consumer Law Review: A submission in response to the Australian Consumer Law Review Issues Paper

Michelle Chumbley, Advocacy Services Manager, WEstjustice, May 2016.

Submission to the Essential Services Commission Accident Towing Regulation - Draft Report

WEstjustice and Consumer Action Law Centre, October 2015.

Extending Unfair Contract Term Protections to Small Businesses: A submission to the Australian Treasury

Footscray Community Legal Centre, August 2014.

Joint Submission to the Inquiry into the Operation of the Insurance Industry During Disaster Events

Choice, Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Counselling Australia and Footscray Community Legal Centre, August 2011.

Submission to the Australian Communications and Media Authority on Reconnecting the Customer - Draft Public Inquiry Report

Footscray Community Legal Centre, July 2011.



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Employment Law

Submission: Digital Labour Platform Deactivation Code

Jennifer Jones, Legal Director, Joseph Lavelle Wilson, Program Manager, and Jeanette Dusabe, Lawyer,  Employment and Equality Law Program WEstjustice, June 2024.

Submission: Australian Law Reform Commission Inquiry into Justice Responses to Sexual Violence

Jennifer Jones, Legal Director, Employment and Equality Law Program WEstjustice, June 2024.

Fair Work Commission Modern Awards Work and Care

Joint submission made by WEstjustice Community Legal Centre, South-East Monash Legal Service (SMLS), JobWatch Inc. 2024.

Closing Loopholes in Fair Work Legislation

Joint submission made by WEstjustice Community Legal Centre, South-East Monash Legal Service (SMLS), JobWatch Inc. 2023.

National Gender Equality Strategy

Westjustice, 2023.

Employee-like forms of work and stronger protections for independent contrators

Joint submission made by WEstjustice Community Legal Centre, South-East Monash Legal Service (SMLS), JobWatch Inc. 2023.

Updating The Fair Work Act 2009 to provide stronger protections for workers against discrimination

Joint submission made by WEstjustice Community Legal Centre, South-East Monash Legal Service (SMLS), JobWatch Inc. 2023.

Submission: criminalising wage underpayments and reforming civil penalties in the Fair Work Act 2009.

Jennifer Jones Legal Director, Employment and Equality Law Program WEstjustice, May 2023.

Submission - Review into an appropriate costs model for Commonwealth anti discrimination laws

Jennifer Jones, Legal Director Employment and Equality Law Program, WEstjustice. April, 2023.

Submission on additional workplace relations measures being considered for 2023: Stand Up for Casual Workers

Joint submission made by WEstjustice Community Legal Centre, South-East Monash Legal Service (SMLS), JobWatch Inc.

Submission to the Employment Taskforce (Treasury) on the Terms of Reference for the Employment White Paper

Joint Submission with South-East Monash Legal Service (SMLS), JobWatch, University of Melbourne Students Union (UMSU) Legal Service and WEstjustice

Jennifer Jones, Legal Director Employment and Equality Law Program, WEstjustice; and Ashleigh Newnham, Director Advocacy and Development, SMLS; Gabrielle Marchetti, Principal Lawyer, JobWatch, and Isabelle Butler, Senior Lawyer, UMSU Legal Service, 5 December 2022

Open letter to the Prime Minister, Treasurer and Ministers Gallagher, Burke, Rishworth, O’Connor, O’Neil and Husic regarding the Jobs and Skills Summit

Westjustice et al, September 2022

Open letter to the Federal Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations on the ALP’s commitment to supporting disadvantaged migrant workers

Nilanka Goonetillake, Program Manager, WEstjustice; Gabrielle Marchetti, Principal Lawyer, JobWatch; and Korina Leoncio, Director of Legal Practice Group B, Sout-East Monash Legal Service, July 2022

Survey response to the Attorney-General’s Department on remaining Respect@Work legislative recommendations

Nilanka Goonetillake, Program Manager, Employment and Equality Law Program, WEstjustice, March 2022. Our survey response is to be read alongside the joint Power2Prevent Statement

Submission on the Fair Conduct and Accountability Standards for the On-Demand Workforce
Francesca Lai, Program Manager, Employment and Equality Law Program, WEstjustice, February 2022.

Submission to Fair Work Commission on Implementation of Stop Sexual Harassment Orders

Francesca Lai, Program Manager Cassandra Martin, Senior Lawyer, and Thea Debler-Depold, Lawyer, Employment and Equality Law Program; WEstjustice, November 2021.

Submission to the Ministerial Taskforce on Workplace Sexual Harassment: Addressing sexual harassment in Victorian workplaces

Joint Submission with Springvale Monash Legal Service and WEstjustice

Francesca Lai, Employment and Equality Law Program Manager, WEstjustice and Ashleigh Newnham, Strategic and Community Development Manager, SMLS, August 2021.

Submission on the Exposure Draft of the draft Migration Amendment (Protecting Migrant Workers) Bill 2021

Joint Submission with Springvale Monash Legal Service, Jobwatch and WEstjustice

Gabrielle Marchetti, Jobwatch, Ashleigh Newnham, SMLS, Cassandra Martin and Francesca Lai, WEstjustice, August 2021.

Submission to the Select Committee on Job Security: Job security in Melbourne's West

WEstjustice Employment and Equality Law Program, March 2021.

Submission to the Senate Standing Commitee on Education and Employment 'Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia's Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2021'

Catherine Hemingway, Liz Morgan and Tarni Perkal, WEstjustice Employment Law Program, February 2021.

Further Submission: Report of the Inquiry into the Victorian On-Demand Workforce

Joint Submission with Springvale Monash Legal Service and Jobwatch

Cathering Hemingway, Tarni Perkal and Liz Morgan, Directors Employment and Discrimination Law Team, October 2020.

Submission to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into Temporary Migration

Joint Submission with Springvale Monash Legal Service and Jobwatch

Cathering Hemingway, Tarni Perkal and Liz Morgan, Directors Employment and Discrimination Law Team, July 2020.

Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Economics ‘Inquiry into unlawful underpayment of employees’ remuneration’

Liz Morgan, Director, Employment Law Program WEstjustice (joint submission with Migrant Employment Legal Service and Redfern Legal Centre ISS), March 2020.

Improving protections of employee's wages and entitlements: Strengthening penalties for non-compliance

Tarni Perkal, Director and Employment Practice Manager, WEstjustice, October 2019.

2019 Inquiry into Sustainable Employment for Disadvantaged Jobseekers

Joint submission by WEstjustice and Sprinvale Monash Legal Service, August 2019.

WEstjustice submission to the National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces

Catherine Hemingway, Policy Director (CALD and Employment), WEstjustice, February 2019.

WEstjustice submission to the Inquiry into the Victorian On-Demand Workforce

Catherine Hemingway, Policy Director (CALD and Employment), WEstjustice, February 2019.

WEstjustice response to questions set out in the Improving Black Economy Enforcement and Offences Consultation Paper

Catherine Hemingway, Policy Director (CALD and Employment), WEstjustice, December 2018.

WEstjustice submission to the Inquiry into the appropriateness and effectiveness of the objectives, design, implementation and evaluation of jobactive

Catherine Hemingway, Policy Director (CALD and Employment), WEstjustice, September 2018.

WEstjustice submission to the Gender Equality Legislation Public Consultation

Catherine Hemingway, Policy Director (CALD and Employment), WEstjustice, September 2018.

Inquiry into the exploitation of general and specialist cleaners working in retail chains for contracting or subcontracting cleaning companies: A submission to the Senate Education and Employment References Committee

Catherine Hemingway, Senior Employment Lawyer, WEstjustice, July 2018.

Reforms to address corporate misuse of the Fair Entitlements Guarantee scheme: A submission to the Australian Government's consultation into the Fair Entitlements Guarantee scheme

Tarni Perkal, Senior Employment Lawyer, WEstjustice, June 2017.

Inquiry into establishing a Modern Slavery Act: A submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade

Tarni Perkal, Senior Employment Lawyer, WEstjustice, April 2017.

Inquiry into Vulnerable Workers Bill: A submission to the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee

Tarni Perkal and Catherine Hemingway, Senior Employment Lawyers, WEstjustice, April 2017.

Inquiry into Vulnerable Workers Bill: A transcript of evidence at the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee public hearing

Tarni Perkal, Senior Employment Lawyer, WEstjustice, April 2017.

Inquiry into Vulnerable Workers Bill: A response to questions on notice from the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee

Tarni Perkal, Senior Employment Lawyer, WEstjustice, April 2017.

Inquiry into Corporate Avoidance of the Fair Work Act: A response to questions on notice from the Senate Education and Employment References Committee

Tarni Perkal, Senior Employment Lawyer, WEstjustice, April 2017.

Inquiry into Corporate Avoidance of the Fair Work Act: A transcript of evidence at the Senate Education and Employment Committee References public hearing

Catherine Hemingway, Senior Employment Lawyer, WEstjustice, March 2017.

Inquiry into Corporate Avoidance of the Fair Work Act: A submission to the Senate Education and Employment References Committee

Catherine Hemingway, Senior Employment Lawyer, WEstjustice, November 2016.

Labour Hire Industry and Insecure Work: A submission to the Victorian Inquiry

Catherine Hemingway, Senior Employment Lawyer, WEstjustice, November 2015.

Workplace Relations Framework Inquiry: A submission to the Productivity Commission (third submission)

Catherine Hemingway, Senior Employment Lawyer, WEstjustice, October 2015.

Employment Programs Review: A submission to the Victorian Government

Catherine Hemingway, Senior Employment Lawyer, WEstjustice, October 2015.

Inquiry into Workplace Relations Framework: A transcript of proceedings at the Productivity Commission

Catherine Hemingway, Senior Employment Lawyer, Neng Boi, Community Worker and Denis Nelthorpe, Chief Executive Officer, WEstjustice, September 2015.

Workplace Relations Framework Inquiry: A submission to the Productivity Commission (second submission)

Catherine Hemingway, Senior Employment Lawyer, WEstjustice, September 2015.

Workplace Relations Framework Inquiry: A submission to the Productivity Commission (first submission)

Catherine Hemingway, Senior Employment Lawyer, Footscray Community Legal Centre, March 2015.

Supporting Working Parents - Pregnancy and Return to Work National Review: A submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission

Footscray Community Legal Centre, January 2014.



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Family Violence

Submission to the Exposure Draft of the Family Law Amendment Bill 2023

Neshi Sooknandan, Program Manager, Family Violence and Family Law Program and Cleona Feuerring, Legal Director, Family Violence and Family Law Program February 2023

Submission to the Draft National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2023 

WEstjustice, February 2022

Options for Improving the Family Violence Competency of Legal Practitioners: A submission to LIV and the Law Council of Australia

WEstjustice, September 2019.

Family Violence: A submission to the Victorian Royal Commission

Jenni Smith, former Principal Lawyer, Footscray Community Legal Centre, May 2015.

Submission to the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence - School Lawyer Project

Wyndham Legal Service, May 2015.

Submission to the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence

Bringing Justice to Wyndham, May 2015.



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Human Rights

Submission to the National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality Consultation

Nilanka Goonetillake, Program Manager and Jennifer Jones, Legal Director, Employment and Equality Law Program, WEstjustice, April 2023

Submission on the Review into an Appropriate Costs Model for Commonwealth Anti-Discrimination Laws

Nilanka Goonetillake, Program Manager; Vicki Lamb, Senior Legal Counsel; and Jennifer Jones, Legal Director, Employment and Equality Law Program, WEstjustice, April 2023

Submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee on the Extent and Nature of Poverty in Australia

Caitlin Caruana, Director, Policy and Innovation, WEstjustice et al, February 2023

Submission on the Review into Australia’s Migration System: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A Migration System for Australia’s Future​

Jennifer Jones, Legal Director, Employment and Equality Law Program, WEstjustice, December 2022

Open letter to the Federal Government on Preventing the Exploitation of Migrant Workers

Redfern Community Legal Centre, Westjustice et al, May 2022

Open letter to the Federal Opposition on Preventing the Exploitation of Migrant Workers

Redfern Community Legal Centre, Westjustice et al, May 2022

Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission – National Anti-Racism Framework

Jennifer Jones, Legal Director Employment and Equality Law Program, WEstjustice, January 2022.

Victoria’s Anti-racism Strategy – legal and justice sector consultation

Jennifer Jones, Legal Director Employment and Equality Law Program and Anoushka Jeronimus, Legal Director, Youth Law Program, WEstjustice, January 2022.

Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights in relation to the proposed Religious Discrimination Legislative Package

Jennifer Jones, Legal Director Employment and Equality Law Program and Caitlin Caruana, Director Policy and Innovation Program, WEstjustice, December 2021.

Submission to the Human Rights Policy Branch Attorney-General's Department in relation to proposed amendments to the Racial Discrimination Act (Cth) 1975

Western Suburbs Legal Service, Brimbank Melton Community Legal Centre, Flemington Kensington Community Legal Centre, Footscray Community Legal Centre and Wyndham Legal Service, April 2014.



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Taxi Industry

Submission to Inquiry into the Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry Act 2017 Reforms

Denis Nelthorpe, CEO, WEstjustice, June 2019.

The report was tabled in Parliament on 26 November 2019 - copy available here.

Standing Committee on the Economy and Infrastructure - Inquiry into the Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry Bill 2017 Transcript

Denis Nelthorpe, CEO, WEstjustice, May 2017.

Response to the Regulatory Impact Statement for the Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983 Implied Conditions - Taxi Driver Agreements

Footscray Community Legal Centre and the Federation of Community Legal Centres Victoria, May 2014.

Response to the Taxi Industry Inquiry's Draft Report - Customers First: Service, Safety, Choice

Federation of Community Legal Centres and Footscray Community Legal Centre, July 2012.

Submission to the Taxi Industry Inquiry in Response to the Setting the Scene Discussion Paper

Federation of Community Legal Centres and Footscray Community Legal Centre, June 2011.



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Tenancy and Housing

Submissions in respect to COVID-19 and public housing

WEstjustice, August 2020.

Submission to the Victorian Government’s Homelessness Inquiry

WEstjustice, January 2020.

Submission on the Proposed Residential Tenancies Regulations 2020

Joseph Nunweek, Senior Lawyer, WEstjustice, December 2019.

Rating System Review: Submission to Local Government Victoria

WEstjustice and Consumer Action Law Centre, November 2019.

Alternate Forms of Tenure: A submission for the Residential Tenancies Act Review - Fairer, Safer Housing

Joseph Nunweek, Tenancy Lawyer, WEstjustice, September 2016.

Minimum Standards and Improving Property Conditions Across Victoria: A submission for the Residential Tenancies Act Review - Fairer, Safer Housing

James Leckie, Tenancy Lawyer, WEstjustice, August 2016. 

Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Retirement Housing Sector: A submission to the Legal and Social Issues Committee

Joseph Nunweek, Tenancy Lawyer, WEstjustice, June 2016.

Disputes Resolution: A submission for the Residential Tenancies Act Review - Fairer, Safer Housing

Joseph Nunweek, Tenancy Lawyer, WEstjustice, June 2016.

Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants: A submission for the Residential Tenancies Act Review - Fairer, Safer Housing

James Leckie, Tenancy Lawyer, WEstjustice, May 2016.

Rents, Bonds and Other Charges: A submission for the Residential Tenancies Act Review - Fairer, Safer Housing

Joseph Nunweek, Tenancy Lawyer, WEstjustice, April 2016.

Security of Tenure: A submission for the Residential Tenancies Act Review - Fairer, Safer Housing

James Leckie, Tenancy Lawyer, WEstjustice, December 2015.

Residential Tenancies Act Review: A submission in response to the 'Laying the Groundwork' Consultation Paper

Gemma Cafarella, former Tenancy Lawyer, WEstjustice, August 2015.

Submission to the Senate Economics References Committee Inquiry into Affordable Housing

Wyndham Legal Service, Footscray Community Legal Centre, Brimbank Melton Community Legal Centre and Western Suburbs Legal Service, March 2014.



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Young People

Submission Regarding Victoria's Youth Strategy 

Anoushka Jeronimus, Legal Director of the Youth Law Program, Westjustice and Francesca Lai, Program Manager Employment and Equality Law Program, January 2021


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WE are located

  • Sunshine Branch
  • Werribee Branch
  • Sunshine Youth Branch
Sunshine Branch

Level 7, 12 Clarke Street, Sunshine VIC 3020

Tel: + 61 3 9749 7720
Mail: PO Box 627, Sunshine VIC 3020

Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 9.00am-1.00pm and 2:00pm-5:00pm - Phone Hours: Monday to Friday 9:30am-1:00pm and 2:00pm-4:30pm

Advice by appointment only. Please call to book

Werribee Branch

Level 1 / 8 Watton Street, Werribee VIC 3030

Tel: + 61 3 9749 7720
Mail: PO Box 2199, Werribee VIC 3030

Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 9.00am-1.00pm and 2:00pm-5:00pm - Phone Hours: Monday to Friday 9:30am-1:00pm and 2:00pm-4:30pm

Advice by appointment only. Please call to book

Sunshine Youth Branch

Visy Cares Hub, 80B Harvester Road, Sunshine VIC 3020

Tel: + 61 3 9749 7720
Mail: PO Box 627, Sunshine VIC 3020

Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 9.00am-1.00pm and 2:00pm-5:00pm - Phone Hours: Monday to Friday 9:30am-1:00pm and 2:00pm-4:30pm

Advice by appointment only. Please call to book